

受机电工程学院闫纪红教授邀请,新加坡国立大学工业与系统工程系TANG Loon Ching教授,将于55日至59日来我校访问,讲授“与国际高水平学者共建研究生课程”——《可靠性与智能维护》。真诚欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学前来体验世界一流大学的授课方式,并与名师现场交流。







TANG Loon Ching博士简介:

Dr TANG Loon Ching is currently the Director of Temasek Defence Systems Institute and a full professor of Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the National University of Singapore. He obtained his Ph.D degree from Cornell University in the field of Operations Research in 1992 and has published extensively in areas related to industrial engineering and operations research. He has been presented with a number of best paper awards including the IIE Transactions 2010 Best Application Paper Award and 2012 R.A. Evans/P.K. McElroy Award for the best paper at Annual RAMS. Prof Tang is the main author of the award-winning book: Six Sigma: Advanced Tools for Black Belts and Master Black Belts. Besides being active in the forefront of academic research, in the last 25 years, Prof Tang has served as consultant for many organizations, such as the Ministry of Home Affair, Singapore Power, Republic of Singapore Air Force, Seagate, HP, Phillips, etc., on a wide range of projects aiming at improving organizational and operations efficiency; especially through better management of engineering assets. He is currently a fellow of ISEAM, the Editor of Quality & Reliability Engineering International and a member of the advisory board of the Singapore Innovation and Productivity Institute.